
Mgr. Lucie Filipová

Mgr. Jana Šubrtová

Attorney at Law, member UCCR


Vystudovala Právnickou fakultu Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Po ukončení studia v roce 2004 pracovala jako advokátní koncipient v renomované pražské advokátní kanceláři. Od roku 2009 vykonává advokacii jako samostatná advokátka. V létě 2024 posílila řady HRDÁ LEGAL s.r.o. jako spolupracující advokát.

V rámci své právní praxe se zaměřuje prioritně na rodinné právo (péče o nezl., výživné, rozvody, SJM) a dále pak na spornou agendu, právo nemovitostí, občanské právo a trestní právo.


Publication & Lectures
  • Council of Europe Education Programme for Legal Professions HELP - Certified Tutor
  • training for criminal judges and prosecuting attorneys on Domestic Violence and Victims of Criminal Activities from the Lawyer´s Point of View, on Very Vurnerable Victims in Criminal Proceedins at the Judicial Academy of the Czech Republic, on Children as Victims of Domesitc and Sexual Violence and on Domestic and Sexual Violence for Family Judges
  • training for family judges on Victims of Criminal Activities in Family Cases
  • training for attorneys and trainee lawyers on Domestic Violence and Representing the Victims of Criminal Activity at the Czech Bar Association in Prague and Brno
  • trainings for doctors, students of medicine and law faculties, social workers and non profit-making organizations about Domestic Violence and Victims of Criminal Activities
  • awareness-raising articles on domestic violence and impacts of criminal activity on victims intended for the lay public and published on various websites
  • articles about Vcitims of Criminal Activities on
  • internet law centre on (thematically focused websites) – answering questions of the readers
  • articles on law in a thematically focused magazine Děti a my
  • cooperation with Martina Venglářová and Petr Eisner on the book Sexualita osob s postižením a znevýhodněním (Sexuality of Handicapped and Disadvantaged People)
  • cooperation on articles about the impact of the new Civil Code for the magazine Domov
  • funkce "ombudsmana deníku Blesk" pro domácí násilí a rodinné právo
  • the function of “ombudsman of the daily Blesk” for domestic violence and family law
  • Do the Courts Understand the Victims of Violent Crime? in anthology Mužské právo /Men's Law. Are Legal Rules Neutral?/ - first feminist revision of the Czech law system

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We specialize in criminal and family law, including solutions to the issue of domestic violence, stalking and we represent victims of crime.
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